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Category: tech
The script to run to display the most used commands (copied from
history | awk '{CMD[$2]++;count++;}END { for (a in CMD)print CMD[a] " " CMD[a]/count*100 "% " a;}' | grep -v "./" | column -c3 -s " " -t | sort -nr | nl | head -n10
Funny how it did not change much lol.
1 468 10.6971% gst
2 452 10.3314% ls
3 388 8.86857% git
4 354 8.09143% gd
5 240 5.48571% bb
6 211 4.82286% brazil
7 147 3.36% ..
8 114 2.60571% cd
9 111 2.53714% ssh
10 85 1.94286% gcam
Here is the output from my computer:
1 1229 12.2912% gst (git status)
2 1046 10.461% gd (git diff)
3 691 6.91069% git
4 655 6.55066% make
5 640 6.40064% gl (git pull)
6 429 4.29043% gco (git checkout)
7 404 4.0404% gcam (git commit -am)
8 284 2.84028% ls
9 244 2.44024% st (subl)
10 203 2.0302% http
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