How to Create a Secure Password

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Category: tech

Updated 2019-06-14:

Do you use the same password for most of your common sites? Is your password easy to remember or to guess? You may find the convenience in only having to remember one password but that significantly increases the chance of it being hacked, especially when various security breaches have happened lately. If you find yourself doing this, it is important to take some time to change your passwords and make them more secure.

How do we find the balance of having secure passwords with the convenience of easy recalling? There is a perpetual search for this solution but here are some suggestions

Use a Long Password

Longer passwords are always harder to crack. Consider using a password that has at least 12 characters.

Avoid names, places, dictionary words

Make use of capitalizations, punctuations, numbers and spelling.

Here is password that apply all of these rules: mE8$pX1xF@x3uyC and some of its stats provided by Password Checker Online:

Password Checker

Never Reuse a Password (Use a Password Management Tool)

It is challenging to come up with a new password, let alone having to remember a complicated one like above but it is important to do this. Often we want to have more secure passwords and different ones for our sites, while staying away from remembering all of them.

A solution for this is to use password managers. There are a couple of options:

Another extra thing you can do is to make use of both password managers and memorization. Memorize the passwords for your most common sites and use password managers for the rest.

Fun corner: common passwords

(list was taken from

Some other resources and references:

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